Summer Speaker Series: H.E. Simon Featherstone

Members of the OUMC and other universities with H.E. Simon Featherstone at the Residence of the British High Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur.

The OUMC recently concluded its inaugural Summer Speaker Series. This has been an initiative under the Club’s leadership development agenda; providing members with opportunities to hear from and engage with prominent leaders from various fields.

We were privileged to have had H.E. Simon Featherstone, British High Commissioner to Malaysia, speak on the session entitled Is the Commonwealth Today a Mere Historical Legacy?

This dialogue session was held in a small-group setting with 16 participants. The format comprised an opening speech on the particular theme in question, followed by a Q&A session.

The Club would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to H.E. Simon Featherstone for kindly having given us the opportunity to meet with him. We would also like to thank all participants for their active contribution to the dialogue. We hope to follow up with similar programmes in Oxford.